Jul 19 / Star Khechara

Skin Nutrition CPD / CE and CEU credits for practitioners

What is CPD or CE?

As a practitioner you have to commit to lifelong learning and stay current with the science and emerging protocols in your specific industry.  Depending on which country you're in, this is known as:
CPD: Continuing Professional Development
CE: Continuing Education)
CPE: Continuing Professional Education

Different industries and different professional bodies that you belong to have different amounts of 'points' or 'credits' you must earn each year to renew your professional membership or license to practice. 

A typical requirement is 30 CPD points per year

How do I earn points?

CPD is self-led learning so there's no exact or official yardstick for what counts as CPD / CE.

Every hour of learning activity = 1 CPD point. 1 hour = 1 point.

An your CPD / CE  activities can be as varied as:
  • Reading a reference book
  • Reading science papers
  • Attending a lecture aimed at practitioners in your field
  • Attending a webinar where the topic is relevant to your industry
  • Attending classes or courses: in person or online (for example joining completing classes in our  CPD Lab in our SkinStars Membership or enrolling onto our Diploma in Integrative Nutridermatology®
  • Even attending an EXPO in your industry can count.

What about CPD accreditation?

Because CPD / CE is self-directed learning there is no requirement for that activity to be accredited or endorsed for CPD. CPD accreditation is just another business model, it's unnecessary and it exists to make money for the accreditation company.

Ultimately it's YOU - the practitioner - who decides which activities you'll put into your personal CPD folder.

For all Skin Nutrition Masterclasses (and the Diploma) your CPD / CE points are included on your certificate.

What about CEU?

CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit and is generally accepted as equivalent to 10 hours of learning activity. 10 CPD hours = 1 CEU credit. JUst like CPD / CE there are no requirements to have CEU accredited or endorsed by anyone. There is no 'official' overseer of CEU.

The SNI Diploma in Integrative Nutridermatology© comes with 60 CPD / CE points and 6 CEU credits

In summary

  • As a practitioner you have to earn CPD / CE points each year
  • A CPD point = 1 hour of learning activity
  • CPD education is self-led and doesn't need to be endorsed or accredited, you just need to keep a record of your CPD activities
  • 30 CPD points per year seems to be a typical amount that practitioners need to achieve
  • CEU is credit given for 10 hours of learning activities.

CPD / CE and CEU points for all SNI Classes

Diploma in Integrative Nutridermatolology® 60 CPD / CE + 6 CEU
Advanced Skin Hydration Biomechanics (cert) 2 CPD Points
Collagen Biosynthesis (cert) 3 CPD Points
Menopause, Hormonal Ageing and Nutrition (cert) 1 CPD Point
The Gut-Skin Axis (cert) 3 CPD Points
Juice Therapy for Skin Health (cert) 20 CPD Points + 2 CEU
Skin Superfood Formulation (cert) 15 CPD Points + 1 CEU

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Article by Star Khechara

Professional agehacker, author, speaker, founder of skin nutrition institute
About me
Skincare formulator and beauty author turned skin-nutrition educator: Star distilled her 20+ years of skin-health knowledge into the world’s first international accredited skin-nutrition school to teach skin therapists, facialists, face yoga practitioners and estheticians how to help their clients feed the skin from within for cellular-level rejuvenation and vibrant beauty. 
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