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Hey HOLISTIC practitioner!
Turn your 1-1 client services or wellness knowledge into
passive income from online courses 


When you exchange your time for money you will run out of hours to sell. There are only so many clients you can see in a day, week or month. There are only so many hours you can work. Once you've worked as many hours as you can - where do you go from there? You can't. You're stuck. You can't make more money 😢




How many clients can you realistically see each day? Not that many. With an online course you can help hundreds - maybe even thousands - of people who desperately need your knowledge and skill. Imagine making a difference to so many people's wellbeing


You love your work but remember that it is a business and you deserve to make a wonderful income for your expertise. You don't exist as a beautiful soul on this exquisite planet to just work to pay the bills. You deserve prosperity and abundance


Being sat at a desk all day is bad for your health. Being chained to your laptop is a killer for your eyesight. Imagine if you could make amazing income as you sleep, travel and spend time with loved ones. Ecourses sell online without you being there, giving you much more freedom. You can earn full time income with part time work (that's what I do)
Write your awesome label here.

Passive income is PARADISE income

You can help so many people with their health, wellness and self-care while also creating your dream life. You don't have to work super-hard to be successful.


The best time to launch your passive income online course was when you first became a holistic practitioner or wellness advocate.

The 2nd best time to start is NOW.

HOLISTIC ECOURSE CREATION walks you through every single step you need to build and sell your own profitable online course.. 

Imagine your payment notifications looking like this...

Write your awesome label here.
*Screenshot from Star Khechara's own Moonclerk account
Write your awesome label here.
*Screenshot from Star Khechara's own Payhip account
Write your awesome label here.
*Screenshot from Star Khechara's own Learnworlds account

But Star, I don't know how
to create or sell an online course

That's why I'm your ecourse fairy godmother

I've personally made over $900k USD from online courses in several different industries: skincare formulation, business and nutrition. Ecourses are my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE way for me to monetise my expertise because I have ADHD and find it hard to to 1-1 client work (I often forget appointments!) and I'm a bit of a lone-wolf, I like to work alone from the cosy comfort of my home.

Creating ecourses has allowed me to earn full-time income on part-time work and have the freedom to travel the world. Thanks to technology it's never been easier to build online courses and make life-changing income wherever you are in the world.

It's so much fun to be able to monetise my expertise from anywhere in the world using just my brain and my laptop. Let me show you how to do this too.
Write your awesome label here.

10 simple tutorials that show you exactly what to do and how to do it. Just follow a Star ⭐

🦩 1. Nail your niche

Ecourses need to be results-focussed so this means knowing exactly what segment of holistic health, beauty or nutrition you fit into. I will guide you through a simple exercise to help you.

🦩 2. Define your target audience

You need to know who you're going to be selling to and why. I'll walk you through a series of steps so you know who they are. This makes selling so much easier!

🦩 3. Your Ecourse Blueprint

Now you know your specific wellness niche AND who your audience is we shall map out your 6-12 module course into neat sequential modules using the 'reverse engineering' technique. 

🦩 4. Lessons Templates

Now you have your blueprint we shall create multimedia lesson plans for each module. You can use these templates again and again for any course you create. You'll learn the educational psychology tricks to ensure your clients stay excited and engaged in your course material: gamification, reflective learning, multimedia units, fun quizzes etc

🦩 5. Course Creation

Together we shall roll up our sleeves and build your actual course content: slideshows, videos*, screencasts, imagery, charts, templates, checklists, handbooks, quiz questions, assessment sheets - whatever you want to include I'll show you how to create it. 
*No, you never have to show your face if you don't want to

🦩 6. Pick your platform

Your course has to 'sit' somewhere so I'll show you all the things to consider when choosing a platform and which platforms are the best. I'll include guided tours and checklists so you can choose the best for your needs. Then we can walk through how to upload your content, set up your enrolment flow and and payment facility.

🦩 7. Name, price and a smokin' sales page

Naming your course is more important than you think, a good name can help it to sell more and also works for SEO to drive web traffic to your sales page. You'll also build your sales page using my exclusive formula and template - I will make it easy I promise.

🦩 8. Launch!

First we shall kickstart your launch with a pre-launch (pre-sell) then you'll learn how to set up a BIG launch 

🦩 9. Marketing

Learn how to drive traffic to your sales page for evergreen sales (or to your list for launches). We will cover SEO, social media marketing, PR and content marketing. And list-building

$1500 in sales

Star made all her brain workings totally accessible to someone like me who really finds the internet rather daunting. Confidence was restored, my course launched with £1500 in sales, I now have 137 people on my WonderCake 101 Raw Cake Crafting and I have received many testimonials from the lay cake-crafter to the professional saying how much they love learning with me (and tasting my recipes!) Some of my students have been inspired to write their own recipes and even courses after taking mine so this is a fabulous ripple effect which all started with Star Khechara! I totally recommend anyone who wants a unique and easy yet totally practical and hardworking approach to get studying with Star
Victoria Leith
Wondercake Founder

My income increased

Star, your awesome strategies now mean I work 90% online. Thank you for your unique, practical and creative genius. My work went from 90% face to face to 90% online AND my income increased
Steve Miller
TV Presenter


Yes Star, I want to help more people
while also making fabulous income for myself  

To use a payment plan select the card payment option below  

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I've helped over 3000 women

Star's course was the second online course I had ever purchased in my life. Good decision. No, the best decision ever. When I met Star's brand of crazy genius, I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't know how. I felt like she personally held my hand, step by step until I had created everything I needed to create my course. Since launching in December last year, using everything I learnt on Star's course I have helped over 3000 women on 6 different continents create calm and positive birth experiences, with the world's first video based hypnobirthing program. Thanks Star, you rock!
Suzy Ashworth
Founder of The Calm Birth School

60 students and my first $10k month

My sales page instantly began converting at a higher rate and I enrolled about a dozen new international students within 247hours of updating my sales page using the copywriting and psychological principles that Star teaches in the course. It was absolutely amazing and exciting!, 

*SIXTY* new students have signed up for the launch of my latest class, which starts tomorrow. Star, thank you for helping us make our dreams come true. My sales page ROCKS because of YOU!!!!
Debbie Corso
Author and creator of DBT Path

Frequently asked questions

Do I get instant access?

YES! as soon as you enrol you'll be able to start learning and building your first ecourse. And you get the bonus 'Ebook Brilliance' when you finish.

When does the course start?

The modules will start being released in the first week of September (2023). Enrol now to get the pre-launch price of just $997 $457

How soon can I have my ecourse up for sale?

Honestly that depends on you and how fast you work + how much time you can spend each week. There's no reason why you can't launch your ecourse by the end of 2023.

Do you offer team discounts?

We can offer substantial discounts on group enrolments (especially when there are more than 5 participants). 
Send us an email with all the information: hello@skinnutritioninstitute.com

Can I license this bundle for my team of staff?

We can offer a corporate license for this program, please contact us at hello@skinnutritioninstitute.com

What happens after I've paid?

Once you've enrolled you'll be prompted to create your login and password so you can access our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Once inside you can move around and access everything you need:
  • There's a course area where your courses will be
  • There's a community area for discussion groups and friendship
  • There's a 'best resources' area for all of your saved notes and access to our science library
  • There's a 'start' page which has our orientation video to help you navigate around the website and use all of the facilities. 

Is ecourse creation suitable for me?

YES! pretty much anyone can create an ecourse. All skills and knowledge can be monetised digitally. I am living proof of that. Any holistic wellness modality can be packaged into an ecourse.

This particular course about ecourses is for practitioners in the holistic wellness, nutrition and natural beauty spaces.

Can I get a refund?

The course is instant access and you've got 48 hours to review the course material and request a refund (you can do this via email or click the 'ask the instructor' button inside the course menu).

 Please note refunds can't be given once you've started to complete modules so of you're unsure about the course have a look at the material first but don't complete or submit any quizzes, tests or assignments.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes you can choose the payment plan option when you select to pay with card  


🦩Don't make the financial freedom flamingo sad

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